On Wednesday we had some great on farm tours that kept us engaged all day! We stared at Beatty Seeds, a family owned seed company that handles seed production and packaging of corn, soybeans, and wheat. They specialize in Identity Preserved soybeans that are traceable and guaranteed non GMO. The seed is often shipped out to Japan or China for soybean production that eventually is processed into soy milk or tofu. Also, they are a certified food grade facility and have strict standards to meet to handle food grade wheat. Ha that rhymes.
Next was a tour of a family fruit and vegetable farm. They market all their product through their own farm side stand. They took us all over their farm and pointed out the different fruits and veggies. They do multiple plantings of each to keep fresh product at their stand from spring to fall. Some of their popular crops include potatoes, onions, tomatoes, sweet corn, raspberries, lettuce, squash, asparagus, and so much more. They employed family members and four Jamaican workers through their busy season. This was a one of a kind farm tour! Just wish we would have had time to do some shopping.
We made a quick stop at the County Farm Center store that was sort of a combination Big R and Amish goods. They sold freezer beef, pork, and lamb (all local) as well as other repackaged frozen foods. Here's a price comparison between what we saw and what the Kilgus's (couple from our tour group) charge, all in US dollars and similar local farm to consumer model.
$11.99 / lb Canadian beef
$15.99 / lb Kilgus Farms beef
The last stop of the day was at the Clossen Chase Winery. This has been the highlight of the trip and not just because we drank wine there. The farm manager really knew his stuff, was wildly passionate about the business, and did a great job explaining things from start to finish. He spoke the farmer language and he spoke it loudly! We tried a Pinot Noir and two Pinot Grigios from different years. Not the sweet wines we see around our home wineries but damn good wine that retails for $30-$50 a bottle. He basically talked me out of ever wanting to start a vineyard due to the complexity of the business. I think I'll just be happy buying and sipping wine!